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RCOG Women's Network

The RCOG champions the best in women’s health care and supports doctors so that they’re equipped to do the best job possible for women.

The RCOG Women’s Network aims to make sure that women are at the heart of everything the College does.

About the RCOG Women’s Network

The Women’s Network is a strategic RCOG committee. There are 14 core lay members and 4 clinicians from across the UK on the Network which meets 4 times a year. All lay members have personal experience of obstetrics or gynaecological services. They inform the College about issues affecting women during pregnancy, labour and birth, around fertility and gynaecological conditions through to the menopause and women’s health in later life.

Members represent the Network across a wide range of RCOG activities, ensuring the service user perspective is at the heart of RCOG discussions and decision making. Selected for their broad expertise and passion for women’s health, Network members help the College with the development of guidelines, patient information, training and education, continuing professional development, audit and quality improvement and policy. They also bring insight into the College on current and emerging issues in women’s health which may need consideration and action, and lead their own projects.

The Women’s Network is supported by the broader Women's Voices Involvement Panel – an online group of over 700 O&G service users. The panel brings a breadth of health experiences and outcomes from the wider women’s health community to inform the Network’s involvement in College activities.

Visit the Women’s Voices at the RCOG Women's Voices YouTube channel to find out more about the Women's Network and the College's patient and public involvement work. 
